The sword drops...
Once again the sword of Damocles proves the precariousness of the temporary
employees position. Yes, it is once again time for me to clear my desk and
head for pastures new (well in six weeks time). It's a shame as I really
liked working here. The job is a bit dull, but the people are nice and the
office is close to home. I have been here for a year now and feel like part
of the furniture. For a long time the carrot of a permenant job was dangled
in front of me, but today that carrot has gone and my services are no
longer require. In a Mary Poppins' sort way, my work here is done. I won't
be stepping out the window (eleven stories up) with an umbrella in my hand
though, things aren't that bad... but I am now faced with weeks of
job-hunting and the stress of an uncertain future... bugger!