To someone whose ambition in life to be a freelance illustrator working in an office is tantamount to being emprisioned. Thankfully a sort of stockholm syndrome (and being able to pay the mortgage) makes it bearable... but only just!

Friday, February 25, 2005

Oh Bondage, UP YOURS!

Bind me tie me, Chain me to the wall, I wanna be a slave to you all.

Just swap the word "wall" for "desk"! Okay, so it doesn't rhyme ...and it
doesn't make for a very good punk song expounding the plight of female
emancipation, but it does sum up quite nicely how I feel at work right now.

Is it me or are people who work in offices suckers for punishment? This
morning a colleague in my office slammed the phone down on a customer so
hard I am surprised she didn't break the handset, before running off to the
toilets for a bit of a sob. She had only been in work 15 minutes!
Occurrences such as this happen on a regular basis in many offices. The
dishing out of abuse, tyranny and bullying are tolerated in the work place
far more readily than in any other environment (with the exception of
schools, but luckily those days are past). Add these to the other daily
grinds that don't manifest themselves in anything substantial such as
stress, boredom, frustration and you have to ask yourself why anybody would
tolerate it. Well, we all need to work, otherwise how else would we pay our
mortgages and feed our families. The real element of all this is how
seemingly intelligent people except this as the status quo. Just because
someone knows more about a banal pointless job, they somehow acquire power
over you, and this is just accepted? Well I say "Oh office job, UP YOURS!
...just as soon as I have enough time to look for something better, which I
don't because I am working too much because I have to pay the mortgage...
oh, bugger!