To someone whose ambition in life to be a freelance illustrator working in an office is tantamount to being emprisioned. Thankfully a sort of stockholm syndrome (and being able to pay the mortgage) makes it bearable... but only just!

Friday, May 19, 2006

You can do it...

It has been a long time since I last blogged here and a hell of a lot has changed since then. Mainly life has got increasingly nicer for me and, as I find it easier to write when I am a bit pissed off, putting pen to paper (err... fingers to keyboard?...) has rendered the last year rather unproductive, but only in a literary sense. 2006 so far has been an incredibly kind year to me and we are only four and a half months in. OK so it is true that I am still working in an office, but I am no longer temping! (WOOHOO!)
I now have a permanent job and, with not a small amount of relief, a salary to match. This transition from insecure office lackey to regular employee occurred in February and a short while later I went from being a database administrator to a database co-ordinator ...calm down, I know it is exciting, but there is no need for hysterics now is there? Anyway you may mock, but compared to this time last year I am earning nearly 50% more, (which is testament more to how badly I was paid as a temp rather than how well I am being paid now!)

I should also point out that I have gone from working in the imports department in a shipping company to working in a marketing department of a large diy retailers, which is a much nicer environment to be employed in, especially for someone with creative tendancies.

As if this improvement in my occupational situation wasn't enough, I also got a very nice illustration commission from a large advertising agency, which is getting my chosen career back on track - I am in the middle of converting my attic into a studio and once that is done I will have a major stab at becoming an illustrator, and this commission has really helped.

So all in all I have little to complain about, sorry. You will just have to put up with me being cheery!

But why, you ask, if I am so happy have I started writing again? Well I read back some of my old posts are they are quite well written, and the more I write the better I write (as you can see I am a bit out of practice) all I have to do is find some things to moan about (no one wants to read about how nice things are when there are grimey hottid avenues to explore, do they?)


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